Easy and Delicious Recipes

How to Make a Pineapple Boat

How to Make a Pineapple Boat

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Creating your pineapple boat is an entertaining and innovative way to serve dishes like our Air-Fryer Salmon Bites in Pineapple Bowl. Not only does it make for an impressive presentation, but it’s also a sustainable option as it reduces the demand for disposable plates. Plus, you get to enjoy the fresh pineapple that you scoop out!

Here’s an easy guide on how to make a pineapple boat:


Cut the Pineapple: To cut the pineapple, start by cutting it in half lengthwise. Use a sharp knife, and be cautious not to cut yourself.

How to Make a Pineapple Boat

Outline the Pineapple Edges: Cut into and around the edge of the pineapple with your knife, stopping about half an inch from the peel. Make sure you don’t cut all the way through the peel, as this will be your bowl.

How to Make a Pineapple Boat

Remove the Core: Cut out the core of the pineapple and toss it. The core is the hardest part of the heart of the pineapple.

Make Pineapple Cubes: Make horizontal cuts through the rest of the fruit to make rough cubes or wedges without cutting through the peel.

How to Make a Pineapple Boat

Scoop the Pineapple: Use a spoon to scoop out your pineapple pieces. You can save these pieces for the salsa in the Air-Fryer Salmon Bites in Pineapple Bowl recipe or eat them as a snack.

How to Make a Pineapple Boat

And that’s all there is to it! Your very own boat made of pineapples. This way is easy and quick and gives your food a tropical flavor.

How to Make a Pineapple Boat

Tips & Variations

Pick the Right Pineapple: When picking a pineapple, look for one that is heavy for its dimensions and has a sweet, fragrant smell at the base. The leaves should look green and fresh. This will ensure that the pineapple you use in your dish is sweet and ripe.

Serving drinks: You can also use pineapple boats to serve tropical drinks. Just make sure to clean the pineapple well on the inside and take out all the fruit.

Pin the image below to share this tropical secret with your followers. It’s not just a pineapple, though; it’s also a boat. 🙂

How to Make a Pineapple Boat


Can I serve other foods in the pineapple boat?

Yes! Pineapple boats can be used to serve fruit salads, fried chicken and rice, and even ice cream for a fun dessert.

How can I prevent the pineapple boat from tipping over?

If your pineapple boat isn’t stable, you can cut a thin layer off the bottom to make a flat base. Be cautious; if you cut in too much, you might make a hole in the bottom of your boat.

Can I prepare the pineapple boats ahead?

Yes, you can prepare the pineapple boats a day in advance. Just keep them in an airtight container in the fridge to keep them fresh.

What can I do with the pineapple leftover?

Leftover pineapple can be used in many ways. You can add it to smoothies, use it in fruit salads, or even grill it for a sweet and smoky dessert.

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