Easy and Delicious Recipes

Sorullitos de Maíz Easy Recipe

Sorullitos de Maíz Easy Recipe

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Sorullitos de Maíz recipe, aka Sorullos, are the most fantastic corn fritters from Puerto Rico that are soft inside and crispy outside. In Puerto Rico, these fritters are served as breakfast, appetizers, or as a side dish. You can add some cheese to make it the best snack ever!

Sorullitos de Maíz is just like hush puppies or corn nuggets with a super crispy outer crust filled with a sweet, buttery, and creamy filling on the inside.

Sorullitos de Maíz is basically deep-fried Polenta sticks. You just have to cook the dough, shape it, and then fry it out deeply and you will have the most delicious snack with a sweet buttery inside and a crunchy outside.

Sorullitos de Maíz Recipe

If you search online, you can find many recipes to make Sorullitos. Some people add butter and milk, while others just like to add cheese. I’ve got this recipe from my Aunt and both my Grandmothers this is the recipe. No one can help you better other than your own home chefs.

You can add sugar to Sorullitos accordingly to serve them as breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Sorullitos are completely savory with little or no sugar at all.

If you add a few tablespoons of sugar to them, they will give you a donut-like sweetness. I always make them a little sweet, just like my cornbread. You can use any cheese as per your choice; this recipe is not strict, like, for example, this Roman Suppli, which uses Mozzarella, Parmesan, and Pecorino Romano cheese. I mostly go for sharp cheddar cheese, but some people also use Gouda, Edam, or American cheese.

Some people stuff Sorullitos with a cheese slice, but I just add the cheese into the dough, which is more accessible and timesaving as well.

If you want to make Sorullito with a gooey, cheesy center, just place a small piece of cheese in the center when shaping and pinch the dough to pack the cheese tightly. The dough shouldn’t be crumbly or sticky. It should be flexible and springy.

You can make it so by adding a little more cornmeal or water to it. Once you have attained the right consistency, take out a rounded tablespoon of dough and shape it into a roll or small log. Make many more like this and deep-fry them into the oil.

Sorullitos taste great when served hot or at room temperature. Try to eat them the same day they are cooked to have the same great taste. Serve these mouthwatering Sorullitos with your favorite dipping sauce. Hot sauce or honey are some of the best options.

This Puerto Rican recipe is the most versatile and easy-to-make recipe you would ever make. You can make Sorullos with or without cheese. They taste great when served as a breakfast with hot coffee. You can save a couple of Sorullos for a lunch snack. But to be honest, you won’t be able to save any because other people are going to grab them all, lol.

Sorullitos de Maíz Easy Recipe


  • 11/4 cups of Finely Ground Cornmeal
  • 2 cups of Water
  • 1 tablespoon Butter
  • 1 teaspoon Salt
  • 2 – 4 tablespoons Granulated Sugar
  • 1 cup shredded Cheddar Cheese (4 oz.)

How to make Sorullitos de Maíz

  • Take a medium saucepan and place it on medium heat. Add water, salt, sugar, and butter to it.
  • Mix them well and bring the mixture to a boil. Now slowly add the cornmeal mixture and whisk well. Stir continuously, using a spoon, for 3 – 5 minutes or until the dough turns into a softball. Remove it from the stove and add cheese to it. Mix it well until the cheese combines well.
  • Let the dough cool down until you can touch it without burning your hand. If the dough gets crumbly, just add a little warm water, and if the dough gets sticky, add more cornmeal. Just keep in mind that it’s better to make the dough a bit sticky. Keep the dough springy and smooth, and ensure no lumps are in it.
  • Now take one tablespoon of the Surollo dough and knead it a little bit with your fingers until it gets smooth. Make small log-shaped rolls 3 inches long and half an inch wide. Shape all the remaining dough into the rolls.
  • Now fry these rolls in hot oil (at least 1 inch deep) at 350°F. Don’t overfill the oil pan. Instead work in batches. Cook them for 3 – 4 minutes or until they get golden brown. Remove them from the oil and drain the excess oil on paper towels. Serve them hot and enjoy the incredible unique taste.
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