sourdough gluten free – Cooking Frog Easy and Delicious Recipes Fri, 14 Apr 2023 19:18:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 sourdough gluten free – Cooking Frog 32 32 Gluten-Free Sourdough Bread Easy Recipe Tue, 22 Dec 2020 19:08:51 +0000 Read More]]> Today’s recipe is Gluten-Free Sourdough Bread Easy Recipe, and it’s very special, especially for the ones who are gluten-intolerant or are on a diet. Only because you can’t intake gluten, doesn’t mean you are going to miss all of your favorite foods because they have gluten in them.

You can be on a gluten-free diet and still enjoy all the baked items like bread, buns, pizza, etc. Yes, that’s true. You can easily make all these items gluten-free and satisfy your cravings.

I am going to share a great sourdough bread recipe with you. The best thing about this bread is that it is not only gluten-free but is remarkably tasty and healthy as well. The plus point is that baking gluten-free sourdough bread is a lot easier than regular sourdough bread.

You can bake gluten-free sourdough bread in much lesser time by following a few simple steps. This recipe doesn’t require any baking expertise, and even a newbie can make an amazing sourdough bread out of it 😉

Does gluten-free sourdough bread taste bad?

Many of you, who haven’t ever tried gluten-free bread, must have in mind or may have heard from someone that gluten-free bread is nothing like regular bread. It’s thick, dense, gummy, and has a terrible taste.

That’s why you may be reluctant in trying out gluten-free bread. But to your surprise, that’s nothing but just a misconception. Gluten-free sourdough bread is a lot tastier than you think.

A poorly-baked gluten-free bread may turn out as a gummy loaf with a terrible taste. But a well-baked gluten-free bread, having a perfect balance of all the ingredients, will definitely satisfy your taste buds.

Yes, I admit. A gluten-free sourdough is not that much spongy and tall as regular bread, but it’s also not like a dense, lofty, and ill-flavored loaf. This recipe will give you perfectly-baked sourdough bread with a beautiful golden-brown texture and a great taste.

Let’s get started with the recipe…

Gluten-Free Sourdough Bread Easy Recipe


  • 16 oz of Gluten-Free Flour
  • 4 oz of Active Gluten-Free Sourdough Starter
  • 3 tbsp. of Psyllium Husk
  • 2 tsp of Salt
  • 2 cups of Water
  • 1 tbsp. of Honey (Optional)


  • Before making the dough, feed your sourdough starter twice to maximize its activity level.
  • Take a large mixing bowl and add flour, psyllium husk, and salt in it and mix them well.
  • Now add honey, water, and an active dough starter into it. Mix the ingredients well to make a fine dough.
  • Now fold the dough into the form of a smooth dough ball. No need to knead it as in the case of regular bread dough.
  • Cover the mixing bowl using a damp cloth and set the bowl aside at room temperature for 3 – 5 hours.
  • Now take a Benetton bread-proofing basket. Dust the basket with the flour or line it with a cloth and transfer the dough into it.
  • Cover the Benetton basket with a damp towel.
  • Now leave it for another hour and then place it in the refrigerator for 7 – 12 hours or overnight to cold-proof the dough.
  • Preheat the oven to 475°F and also preheat the baking pan by placing it in the oven for one hour. It is suggested to use a Dutch oven or hot combo cooker instead of a baking pan.
  • After preheating the baking pan for one hour, take the cold dough out of the refrigerator and transfer the dough into it. If you are using the hot combo cooker or Dutch oven, then transfer the dough into it by using the cutting board trick mentioned in tip # 7.
  • Beautifully score the top of the dough loaf using bread lame and cover it with a towel.
  • Place the pan into the baking oven and bake it while it’s still covered for 60 minutes.
  • After 60 minutes, remove the cover and bake the bread for another 5 minutes.
  • Now remove the bread from the oven or combo cooker. Place the bread loaf on a wire rack and let it cool.
  • Leave the bread at room temperature for several hours before cutting it into slices.
  • Cut the bread into slices and enjoy

Can you store the sourdough bread?

Yes, you can definitely store the gluten-free sourdough bread. For this purpose, wrap the sourdough bread in a dry, cloth towel. Make sure the towel is lint-free. Now place this cloth-wrapped bread into the brown paper bag. This way, the bread stays fresh for up to 3 – 4 days.

You can also revive a few days old stale breads by toasting or lightly broiling it. It is recommended to store it in the freezer if you wish to store the bread for more the 3 – 4 days,

Some Important Tips for Gluten-free sourdough bread:

  1. You can easily buy readymade gluten-free flour from the market. But you can also make it by yourself. For this purpose, mix 175g of organic white or brown rice flour, 100g of sorghum flour, 150g of millet flour, and 25g of buckwheat flour. Your own gluten-free flour mixture is ready.
  2. It is recommended to use Himalayan salt, sea salt, or kosher salt or instead of iodized table salt.
  3. While adding water to the flour mixture, make sure the water is filtered and has normal room temperature.
  4. The honey is added to the recipe to enhance the taste of the bread, but if you don’t like it, you can simply skip the honey.
  5. If you are using a mixing bowl, mix the ingredients with your hand or with a spatula. You can mix the ingredients using a stand mixer as well.
  6. It is recommended to use a Dutch oven or a combo cooker for baking the sourdough bread because both of them create a very suitable steamy environment for the bread and keep the bread soft and moist while giving it a very beautiful brownish crust.
  7. To transfer the dough from the Benetton basket to the Dutch oven or hot combo cooker, try out this simple trick. Cut a piece of parchment paper a bit larger than the size of the dough. Place it on the top of the Benetton basket and the exposed dough. Now place a cutting board over the parchment paper. Now tightly hold the cutting board and Benetton basket and flip the upside-down. When the dough is transferred to parchment paper on the cutting board, lift the Benetton basket up. Now slowly slide the parchment paper into a Dutch oven or combo cooker.
  8. If you don’t want your bread bottom to be much brownish, then try placing an empty baking sheet below the Dutch or oven Combo Cooker. It reduces some heat and saves the bread from getting too brown.



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