Comments on: Oven Baked Beef Jerky Easy Recipe Easy and Delicious Recipes Fri, 31 Jan 2025 19:54:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sarah Berthold Wed, 11 Jan 2023 20:43:49 +0000 In reply to Alan Talbott.

I’m glad you’ve liked our beef jerky recipe Alan, and thank you so much for your suggestions; it sounds like you know your beef/deer jerky.

By: Alan Talbott Wed, 11 Jan 2023 17:52:50 +0000 I have made deer jerky for years along with beef, and I find your recipe a good one, but I also add some pink salt, Prague powder #1, which is sodium nitrite cure to the marinade. It does change the flavor which I think is better, and stretches the shelf life some. I would like to ad that if you want a little heat that you sprinkle the jerky with Tobasco, or your favorite hot sauce and black pepper while it is still wet on the drying rack. The pepper will not stick to the dry jerky. If you like the smoke flavor, then at the beginning of drying you can sprinkle a little liquid smoke on top also. About 1/2 way through the drying process, I flip the jerky over one time to finish drying. The hot sauce, smoke, and pepper do not work as well in the marinade as they do after the strips of meat are on the drying rack. I watch closely as the drying process finishes. The jerky can become too dry and snap like a potato chip. If this happens, sometimes if left at room temperature in a plastic bag with a slice of fresh bread it will soften up a little. The bread dries out and transfers the moisture back into the over dried jerky. It works for me.
