The Best Grilled Prime Rib Easy Recipe

Ingredients: Prime Rib Olive Oil Kosher Salt Ground Black Peppe Fresh Rosemary Fresh Thyme Fresh Basil Minced Garlic

With a combination of rosemary, thyme, basil, and classic seasonings, this dish promises a flavorful crust, a tender inside with simple ingredients, and outstanding results

Preparation: Allow your prime rib to sit at room temperature for 1-2 hours.


Herb Mix: In a bowl, incorporate olive oil, seasonings, and herbs. Rub this mixture generously over the prime rib.


Grilling Start: Preheat your grill to 250°F. Place your prime rib over indirect heat. Close the grill lid and let it cook for 2-3 hours.


Final Sear: Ramp up your grill's temperature to 400°F. Resume cooking for another 30-40 minutes


 Rest and Serve: Cover the prime rib with foil once off the grill. Let it rest for 30 minutes before slicing it against the grain.


Grab the full recipe with additional informations via the link below